Growing Native Great Lakes: Turtle Island
Four-part series | Shirley Sneve & Charles "Boots" kennedye
Growing Native is a four-part series focusing on reclaiming traditional indigenous knowledge and food ways to address critical issues of health and wellness, the environment and human rights.
The Great Lakes and connecting waterways have remained the center of traditional and contemporary economies for centuries. Meet the Ojibwe and a tribe that was relocated to this region—the Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin who care for these lands. Natural resources are the Tribes’ main economy, including the famous Red Lake walleye and wild rice lakes.
57 minutes
Release: November 8, 2018
Expiration: November 7, 2022
Distributor: APT
Rights: Unlimited releases over four (4) years beginning 11/8/2018;
SCH/1YR (for K‐12); and non‐commercial cable rights.