LaDonna Harris: Indian 101

Documentary | Julianna Brannum

LaDonna Harris: Indian 101 chronicles the life of Comanche activist and national civil rights leader LaDonna Harris and her influences in Native and mainstream American history. Harris’s activism began in Oklahoma, fighting segregation. She continued her work in Washington, D.C., where she helped to introduce landmark programs and legislation that included tribal land claims, improving education and healthcare for Native Americans, ending job discrimination against women, and protecting environmental resources for tribes. Her more recent contemporary work to strengthen and rebuild Indigenous communities and train emerging new Native leaders around the world is also highlighted.

63 minutes

Release: 2014

Julianna Brannum

JULIANNA BRANNUM is a documentary filmmaker based in Austin, TX. Her first film, The Creek Runs Red, was selected to air in Fall 2007 on PBS’s national primetime series, Independent Lens. In early 2008, she co-produced a feature-length documentary with Emmy Award-winning producer, Stanley Nelson for PBS’s "We Shall Remain," a 5-part series on Native American history. The episode, "Wounded Knee," chronicled the siege of Wounded Knee, SD in 1973 led by the American Indian Movement.

Sam Wainwright Douglas

SAM WAINWRIGHT DOUGLAS' most recent film, Citizen Architect: Samuel Mockbee and the Spirit of the Rural Studio, was broadcast nationwide on PBS in 2010 and continues to screen internationally at theaters, museums universities and film festivals. The feature documentary is about the legacy of the late architect Samuel Mockbee and his work as co-founder of Auburn Universityís Rural Studio. Citizen Architect premiered at the 2010 South by Southwest Film Festival.

Karen Skloss

KAREN SKLOSS has edited numerous award-winning feature documentaries that have been released theatrically nationwide, shown nationally on PBSís Independent Lens, on HBO, and in the MoMA. Primary titles include: Writ Writer (dir. Susanne Mason), Be Here to Love Me (dir. Margaret Brown), Atomic Ed & the Black Hole (dir. Ellen Spiro) and Dirt (dir. Jeff Bowden). She also lead edited the primetime documentary series, American Made, which was broadcast worldwide on CNBC.