Chasing Voices
57 min | Feature Documentary | Daniel Golding
Release: April 29, 2021
Expiration: April 29, 2024
Distributor: APT
NOLA: CHVO 000 Base Revision 001
Rights: Six (6) releases over three (3) years beginning 4/30/2021;
SCH/1YR (for K‐12); and non‐commercial cable rights.

Daniel Golding
Daniel Golding graduated from San Francisco State University receiving a BA in Film Production and a minor in American Indian Studies. He is an award winning filmmaker and founded Hokan Media LLC in 1997 as a means to produce social issue documentary and narrative films. His films have screened both nationally and internationally. He recently finished Decade of Dominance-The Warriors, a feature-length documentary on the San Pasqual High School football team, the only high school football team from a Native American reservation to win a Sate Championship in 11-man football. Dan participated in the prestigious 2010 WGBH-Boston Producers Workshop and teaches hands-on digital filmmaking workshops to at-risk tribal youth through Hokan Media Digital Filmmaking Academy and has done workshops through out California, Arizona, and Washington.