Racing the Rez
57 min | Documentary Feature | Brian Truglio
Racing the Rez follows Navajo and Hopi cross-country runners from two rival high schools as they put it all on the line for Tribal pride, triumph over adversity and state championship glory. Win or lose, what they learn in the course of their seasons will have a dramatic effect on the rest of their lives. This documentary feature film moves beyond Native American stereotypes of the past and present by delving deep into the daily grind of these Native teenagers. Over the course of two racing seasons, you’ll witness the boys striving to find their place among their Native people and the American culture surrounding them.
Release: July 31, 2012
Expiration: October 31, 2024
Distributor: APT
Rights: Renewed – Primary: Six (6) releases over four (4) years; Multicast: Unlimited Use/4 Years.
Including 1 Year School Rerecord, Noncommercial Cable rights. Linear Live Streaming

Brian Truglio
Brian Truglio is a filmmaker and editor with 15 years of experience in both film and television. Racing the Rez is his first feature-length documentary. Truglio is a freelance editor and part-time lecturer at Emerson College as well as a former cross-country runner, current distance runner. He has worked and lived on the Navajo reservation.