


Injunuity is an eye-popping, mind-jolting mix of animation, music and real voices collected from interviews with Native Americans across the country to create a distinct view of modern America from a uniquely contemporary Native American perspective. Every word spoken is verbatim; every thought and opinion is real. Told through nine short films that cover such topics as language preservation, sacred site degradation, consumerism and the environment, Injunuity is a thought-provoking collage of reflections on the Native American world, our shared past, our turbulent present and our undiscovered future.

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Weight N/A

Home DVD, Educational DVD, Educational+ DVD, Home Streaming, Educational Streaming

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Educational Resource: Educational Guide
Program Length:
30 minutes
Producer & Director: Adrian Baker
Producer: Manny Lieras
Executive Producer for ITVS: Sally Jo Fifer
Format: DVD & Digital Download
Public Broadcast Release: October 2013




Walt Pourier

Vice Chair

Walt is Oglala Lakota and created the logo for Urban Rez. He is Creative Director, owner of Nakota Designs Advertising Designs and Graphics. Executive Director of the Stronghold Society nonprofit dedicated to instilling hope and supporting youth movements through Live Life Call To Action Campaigns.


Program Coordinator

(Hataža Mani Winga)​

"Cinema Aficionado"

Role: Jordana is excited to engage with different Native/Indigenous communities. Her passion for working with youth will help develop the Native Youth Media Project. She will also assist with the Creative Shorts Fellowship (CSF) to help organize deliverables for filmmakers.