Aboriginal Architecture: Living Architecture

Aboriginal Architecture: Living Architecture


Aboriginal Architecture: Living Architecture explores the way Aboriginal architecture reflects the diversity of environments and Aboriginal cultures across North America. Traditional and ceremonial buildings reflect all aspects of life in a particular region and time. Architectural designs were affected by technology, climate, society, religion, economics, and history. The film explores the way Aboriginal architecture continues to evolve in response to ongoing changes in the natural and social environment.

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Weight N/A

Home DVD, Home Streaming

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Educational DVD & Streaming available at Bullfrog Films
Program Length:
57 minutes
Production Staff: Producers: Tamara Lynch, Paul M. Rickard & Janice Benthin
Production Company: Mushkeg Media
Public Broadcast Release: September 2006
Format: DVD & Digital Download




Walt Pourier

Vice Chair

Walt is Oglala Lakota and created the logo for Urban Rez. He is Creative Director, owner of Nakota Designs Advertising Designs and Graphics. Executive Director of the Stronghold Society nonprofit dedicated to instilling hope and supporting youth movements through Live Life Call To Action Campaigns.


Program Coordinator

(Hataža Mani Winga)​

"Cinema Aficionado"

Role: Jordana is excited to engage with different Native/Indigenous communities. Her passion for working with youth will help develop the Native Youth Media Project. She will also assist with the Creative Shorts Fellowship (CSF) to help organize deliverables for filmmakers.