indigenous film is going digital!
For the first time, Vision Maker Media will be hosting an online, five-week-long celebration of American Indian, Alaska Native and worldwide Indigenous films from August 31 – October 5, 2020. Accompanying the films, our festival will host a collective of inspiring filmmakers in engaging digital conversations, creating a space for both healing and learning.
The Vision Maker Film Festival is FREE. Every attendee will have access to individual film pages, which will have more information about the films such as the trailers and Q&A session information. VMM also has plans to hold filmmaker panels for aspiring filmmakers in our audience.

Films will be released on a weekly basis starting August 31 at 11:00 am CT and sorted into five genre categories: Women Empowerment, Historical & Environmental, Activism, LGBTQA+ and Youth. Each category of film will only be available for seven days before being replaced by the next category, so make sure you’re checking in on a weekly basis for brand new Indigenous films!

Films range from documentary features to animated shorts and include Vision Maker Media favorites such as “Sisters Rising” and “Blood Memory.” Films also represent a wide range of tribes and cultures from around the world.

Filmmaker Q&A’s will be first come, first serve with limited space available. The first 100 participants to sign up for the Q&A will have access to a Q&A chat where they can ask questions and make comments. Filmmaker Q&A dates and times are TBA.
Film Festival T-shirts and posters will also be available for purchase. Viewing party kits will be FREE to download. To keep informed on when film festival swag will be available, follow Vision Maker Media’s social feeds and email updates.
Festival artwork was created by Henry Payer (Winneabago). To learn more about his work visit: