Growing Native Northwest: Coast Salish

Four-part series | Shirley Sneve & Charles "Boots" kennedye

Growing Native is a four-part series focusing on reclaiming traditional indigenous knowledge and food ways to address critical issues of health and wellness, the environment and human rights.

From totem poles to language revitalization and traditional agriculture, Host Chris Eyre (Cheyenne Arapaho) discovers the resilience of the Coast Salish Tribes of the Pacific Northwest. Travel down historic waterways as the tribe revisits their ancient connection to the water with an annual canoe journey. 

57 minutes

Release: November 8, 2018

Expiration: November 7, 2026

Distributor: APT


Rights: Unlimited releases over eight (8) years beginning 11/8/2018;

SCH/1YR (for K-12); and non-commercial cable rights.

Shirley Sneve

Executive Producer
SHIRLEY SNEVE (Rosebud Sioux) works with Indian Country Today in the expansion of their daily newscast to public television stations. She was President & CEO of the Tiwahe Foundation located in the Twin Cities of Minnesota from 2019-2020—an American Indian community foundation that provides micro-grants in Minnesota and directs the Oyate Leadership Network. From 2004 until 2019, she was Executive Director of Vision Maker Media.

Charles “Boots” Kennedye

CHARLES "BOOTS" KENNEDYE is a member of the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma and for the last ten years a documentary producer for the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority. Kennedye has headed many of the major projects produced by OETA including a 100-part Oklahoma story collective Centennial Stories, winning his first of five Heartland Emmy Awards.

Chris Eyre

Executive Producer/Host
CHRIS EYRE (Cheyenne/Arapaho) has been described as “the preeminent Native American filmmaker of his time” by People magazine. Eyre is an internationally recognized film and television director and producer who has received many awards, including a Peabody, an Emmy and Brandon Verzal Tyler “Blue” Tarpalechee (Muskogree Creek).

Brandon Verzal

An award-winning producer, editor and videographer, BRANDON VERZAL has worked in the production industry for more than 16 years. He “cut his teeth” in the sports industry, working as a video producer for the Nebraska Cornhuskers, Tampa Bay Rays, Kansas City Royals, Seattle Mariners and Texas A&M Aggies.